This has happened to me, the Migration Assistant was run over night, somehow it didn't manage to recover user data, settings recovered fine, next scheduled Time Machine backup wiped the user data from the backup. For example, Bookmarks from Firefox and Internet Explorer are taken to Safari. Shouldn't the Migration Assistant disable the Time Capsule 'Backup Up Automatically' setting after the Migration Assistant completes? - enabling the user to verify migrated data before re-enabling backups. Windows Migration Assistant for macOS Sierra and High Sierra Windows Migration Assistant for OS X El Capitan or earlier The version of your Windows and programs that are used to create your data will decide what actual data gets transferred. If the 'System Settings' do restore, the automated backup is enabled and on next scheduled backup user data is removed from the Time Machine backup. Normally that would be fine, however the Migration Assistant does not appear to verify the reinstalled files against the Time Machine backup and so there is a possibility that some/all user files have not fully restored. If this setting was set on the backed up Mac so that the Time Machine backups happen automatically, then upon completion of Migration Assistant the backups resume without any intervention.
Time Machine setting 'Back Up Automatically' is backed up as part of system settings. I used the migration assistant to try and install my backup files from a hard disk that was manually created (not using Time Machine) from my 2011 Macbook to a new High Sierra Macbook. When using Migration Assistant to re-install data onto a new macOS installation from a Time Capsule backup it is possible to loose all your user data.